OPNET Technologies © 2008 OPNET Technologies, Inc. |
LABORATORIO DE TELEMÁTICA. Proffesors: Ángela Hernández Solana (anhersol@unizar.es) José Ramón Gállego Martínez (jrgalleg@unizar.es) Contents: This subject is a laboratory located in the fourth
year of the telecommunications engineering degree. It is focused on the basis
of IP networks and WAN interconnection through different technologies. The
laboratory is divided into two parts (hardware and software-simulation). The
simulation part consists of four
different practices that we are developing with OPNET: Practice 1: Simulation of a LAN network. Ethernet This practice has been thought as an
introduction for students that never have used OPNET. We have designed an architecture with four Ethernet IP stations connected
through either a hub or a switch. The first aim of the practice is to
evaluate and understand the performance of an Ethernet network (differences
between switched and non-switched, impact of headers, collisions, etc.). Later, “Application Definition” and “Profile
Definition” modules are introduced. With this new model, it is studied the
bandwidth sharing between two different applications (FTP and Video) Practice 2: LAN interconnection through point-to-point links. In this practice, four LAN networks similar
to the ones studied in Practice 1 are interconnected with point-to-point
links. There are two important points: IP Addressing and traffic analysis
through queue modelling. Firstly, the students have to manually assign
the IP address for all the interfaces and configure the static routing
tables. Then, traffic is generated through different stations within
different LAN. Students are required to analyze the scenarios with the
appropriate models and then, verify its analysis with OPNET. Practice 3: LAN interconnection through Frame Relay. The aim of this practice is to understand how
medium access control operates in Frame Relay according to the access speeds
and the parameters set in the Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC). A scenario
similar to practice 2, where the point-to-point links are replaced for Frame
Relay links is considered. OPNET
Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of solutions for managing networks and
applications. OPNET's best-in-class solutions address
application troubleshooting, application monitoring, network monitoring, network configuration management, capacity management, and network simulation. OPNET’s solutions have been operationally proven in
thousands of customer environments worldwide, including corporate and
government enterprises, government and defense
agencies, network service providers, and network equipment manufacturers. For
more information about OPNET and its
products, visit www.opnet.com. |