OPNET Technologies © 2008 OPNET Technologies, Inc. |
REDES DE ACCESO CELULAR Professors: Antonio Valdovinos Bardají (toni@unizar.es) Contents: The aim of this subject is to show different
wireless technologies for accesing networks. By means
of OPNET, we have carried out some software-based practices in order to
consolidate the student knowledge about GSM and GPRS technologies. We have
based these practices on the GSM and GPRS contributed models published at
OPNET web site. Practice 0: Introduction to OPNET This practice has been
thought as an introduction for students that never have used OPNET. We
explain all the editors contained in OPNET IT Guru 10.5. Practice 1: GSM (I) Study of a We
study the power received for different MS trajectories and we analyze the
signalling process of attaching a MS to the GSM network. During all
simulations the MS is at IDLE state, that is, it does not emit nor receive a
call. Practice 2: GSM (II) Study of a Mobile Station at Similar
to the previous one, but now the MS can either emit or receive calls. Practice 3: GSM (III) Study of the Handover process We
analyze the signalling process and the different kinds of Handover. Practice 4: GPRS Study of the main differences between GPS and GPRS We
pay special attention to the Location Update process. OPNET
Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of solutions for managing networks and
applications. OPNET's best-in-class solutions
address application troubleshooting, application monitoring, network monitoring, network configuration management, capacity management, and network simulation. OPNET’s solutions have been operationally proven in
thousands of customer environments worldwide, including corporate and
government enterprises, government and defense
agencies, network service providers, and network equipment manufacturers. For
more information about OPNET and its
products, visit www.opnet.com. |