OPNET Technologies © 2008 OPNET Technologies, Inc. |
CALIDAD DE SERVICIO (QoS) EN REDES DE NUEVA GENERACIÓN Professors: José Ramón Gállego Martínez (jrgalleg@unizar.es) Julián Fernández Navajas (navajas@unizar.es) Contents: The rapid evolution of the networking
industry introduces new exciting challenges that need to be explored by the
student. The adoption of Internet as the global network infrastructure places
the issue of quality of service among one of the hot topics nowadays: a huge
diversity of applications with quite different service requirements must be
supported over a basic core of protocols. OPNET is used as main tool to study
this new exciting challenges and as laboratory
research tool to discover the problems and possible solutions for next
generation network design. Key areas covered by the course are: -
Network Policy -
Quality of Service -
Real Time Applications -
Intelligent Networks - Performance Evaluation This practice has been
thought as an introduction for students that never have used OPNET. We
explain all the editors contained in OPNET IT Guru 10.5. Practice 1: Applications definition and network design This practice is focused on the applications definition and on the design of a basic network. A simple scenario with two networks interconnected through a couple of routers is deployed. Two kind of transmissions are evaluated: VoIP and FTP. Practice 2: Schedulers The aim of this practice is to study the
effect of different schedulers (FIFO, PQ and WFQ) on the packet transmission
for different services. Each router must implement a scheduler that controls
how the packets are stored before being transmitted. The queueing
strategy of a scheduler can impact both the transmission rate and the packet
delay. In this practice, we will study how the election of the service
discipline in the routers (FIFO, WFQ y PQ) can affect to the performance of
different applications (FTP, Video and VoIP). Practice 3: QoS mechanisms for applications
and services The aims of this practice
are to analyze the impact of CAR (Committed Access Rate) and PQ (Priority Queueing) on the applications performance as well as to
configure QoS mechanism to guarantee low delay in
multimedia applications.
Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of solutions for managing networks and
applications. OPNET's best-in-class solutions
address application troubleshooting, application monitoring, network monitoring, network configuration management, capacity management, and network simulation. OPNET’s solutions have been operationally proven in
thousands of customer environments worldwide, including corporate and
government enterprises, government and defense
agencies, network service providers, and network equipment manufacturers. For
more information about OPNET and its
products, visit www.opnet.com. |